Common Questions About Fillings

We often get questions about the type of filling patients receive at Willamette Dental Group. The questions below summarize the kinds of fillings available to you when they are recommended by your provider.


Can I have a composite filling placed in a posterior tooth?

The choice between composite and amalgam fillings is generally up to you, although in some cases your dentist may have a strong recommendation based on your medical profile. Insurance providers often deem the use of composite fillings in posterior teeth as an unnecessary expense, so your out-of-pocket cost may be higher than with an amalgam filling.

Can I have my amalgam fillings replaced with composite?

This question is best discussed with your primary dentist, who can advise you based on your individual health profile and long-term treatment plan. In general, our care philosophy calls for avoiding invasive treatments that are not medically necessary, but every patient’s situation is unique.