How we measure patient satisfaction

Our dedication to an exceptional patient experience

Willamette Dental is determined to create the best patient experience possible. We measure all aspects of the patient experience by partnering with an independent and nationally recognized healthcare patient experience company, NRC Health. NRC Health has led the patient experience industry for more than 40 years. If you’re interested in more information, click here to learn more about NRC Health.

The results of this survey are available to everyone who visits, with up-to-date patient ratings and comments for providers and individual dental offices. Click here to search for your nearest dental office.

Frequently asked questions

Why do some providers or offices not have a star rating or comments?

In order to provide our patients and visitors with the most accurate and beneficial information, we only post comments and star ratings relevant to a specific provider or office once they have received a minimum of 30 surveys within the previous 12 months.

How are visual displays of star ratings determined?

Willamette Dental follows rules for display of star ratings based on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) standards. Stars are rounded up and down to the nearest full star or half star, based on quarter percentiles. If the star rating is = x.25 the star rating rounds up. For example, because 4.2 is less than 4.25, it rounds down to a 4 star rating. Had the rating been 4.25, the rating would round up to a 4.5 star rating.

Are all patient comments for providers and offices posted online?

The comments are displayed on a rolling 12-month period so that they are always relevant and timely to patients. Positive, negative, and neutral comments are displayed. Excluded are comments that contain:

  • Offensive, abusive or malicious language
  • Names or detailed descriptions that jeopardize patient confidentiality or privacy (as per HIPAA)
  • Comments about other dentists, departments, or offices
  • Comments that are libelous
  • Remarks that relate to the survey tool and are unrelated to the patient’s experience

Who receives the survey?

All Willamette Dental patients are sent an invitation to take our survey the day after their appointment through their preferred contact method – email, text or phone.

How else do you use the survey results?

Willamette Dental uses survey results to measure how we’re doing during every part of the patient experience, from making the appointment to making sure we have answered every question at the end of the office visit. Our clinical office teams take great pride in what they do and love to hear about a job well done.