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X-Ray Radiography Upgraded to Low-Radiation, Digital Technology

Willamette Dental Group is announcing the addition of low-radiation “Rectangular Collimation” digital radiography (X-Ray) technology to all of their 50+ dental office locations in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. The primary benefit to this shift is reducing patient radiation exposure up to 75%, as well as providing enhanced patient convenience to dental records at any of their dental offices, lowering operating costs to keep patient out-of-pocket costs reasonable and eliminating the environmental impact of traditional X-Ray films.

The company’s shift to Rectangular Collimation digital X-Ray technology reduces patient radiation exposure 40-50% compared to standard Circular Collimation technology commonly found at other dental practices in the Pacific Northwest. “Digital x-rays are not new, but using Rectangular Collimation at this level is unique to Willamette Dental Group” says Joshua Even, DMD and Director of Clinical Strategy and Support for the company’s over 1,400 employees. Dr. Even continues, “This is an amazing tool that will help our providers take the best care of their patients possible. It fits in so well with our goal of meeting modern healthcare’s Quadruple Aim- healthy patients, better care, lower cost, and improving the work life of staff.”

The digital upgrade has already produced results in the form of happier patients. One patient remarked via a patient satisfaction survey, “I always appreciate that Willamette has the facilities to do the job efficiently. (It) makes me feel like my insurance dollars are well-spent.” A second patient also commented “I love the new digital X-Ray system. The new system is awesome and painless!” The environment also stands to gain from the completion of this project as the company predicts up to 6,950 pounds of traditional X-Ray lead film a year will no longer be sent to recycling facilities.

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6950 NE Campus Way
Hillsboro, OR 97124