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mHealth Offers an Engaging Platform for Managing Dental Pain

Congratulations to Joanna Mullins and Dr. Nicholas Skourtes on the recent publications in the Journal of Medical Internet Research and Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association!

A recent study evaluated the use of a mobile health platform, mHealth, to collect patient-reported outcomes for 7 days after patients underwent painful dental procedures. A total of 42 providers and 1525 patients participated, including Willamette Dental. Findings indicated that while the mHealth platform did not have a significant impact on acute postoperative pain experience, patients and providers indicated improvement in patient-provider communication, patient-provider relationship, postoperative complication management, and ability to manage pain medication prescribing. Here’s an excerpt from the article published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research:

“A 24-month phase 2 cluster randomized controlled trial was conducted to evaluate the impact of using an mHealth platform on patient postoperative pain experiences, satisfaction with pain management, and dental provider satisfaction with the platform. The multicenter study was conducted at an academic dental institution and a large privately held dental group practice.”

The Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) is now in its 24th year after being founded in 1999. It is the pioneer open access eHealth journal and the flagship journal of JMIR Publications. As the largest journal in the field, it is a leading digital health journal in terms of quality and visibility. It focuses on emerging technologies, medical devices, apps, engineering, telehealth, and informatics applications for patient education, prevention, population health and clinical care.

Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) is a peer-reviewed journal for biomedical and health informatics. It includes articles about clinical care and research, translational science, implementation science, imaging, education, consumer health, public health, and policy.

Representatives from Willamette Dental who co-authored the study are Joanna Mullins, MHI, RDH (VP of Strategic Business Operations) and Nicholas Skourtes, DMD (Vice President). They worked in collaboration with representatives from University of Texas, UCSF, and Harvard, demonstrating one of Willamette Dental’s most important core values: Innovation. Participating in the study and co-authoring the accompanying article is part of Willamette Dental’s involvement in dental research, the advancement of the dental industry, and commitment to improving patient care.


Bunmi Tokede, DDS et al. Evaluating the Impact of an mHealth Platform for Managing Acute Postoperative Dental Pain: Randomized Controlled Trial. Accessed December 13, 2023.

JMIR Publications. Journal of Medical Internet Research Increases Impact Factor to 7.4. Accessed December 13, 2023.

JMIR Publications. Celebrating 20 Years of Open Access and Innovation at JMIR Publications. Accessed December 13, 2023.

Ibarra-Noriega A, Yansane A, Mullins J, Simmons K, Skourtes N, Holmes D, White J, Kalenderian E, Walji MF. Evaluating and Improving the Usability of a mHealth Platform to Assess Post-Operative Dental Pain. JAMIA Open. In Press. Evaluating and improving the usability of a mHealth platform to assess postoperative dental pain – PMC (

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