Appointments   1.855.433.6825


COVID-19 Update: Oregon, Idaho Governor Statements

Governors in Oregon and Idaho provided statements on April 23 that will allow us to begin seeing non-emergency patient appointments in these states soon. The safety of our patients and employees continues to be the highest priority now and in the future. Health and safety requirements to re-open dental care are in development from state health departments, the Centers for Disease Control, as well as the American Dental Association. These requirements will determine how quickly we can provide care to our patients who had appointments previously scheduled, as well as patients who would like to schedule a new appointment.

As these health and safety requirements become available, and we develop plans to accommodate them to provide a safe environment for care, we will provide updates directly to our patients to schedule their appointments. Until then, Willamette Dental Group continues to be open for emergency dental care in all states. If you are a patient experiencing a dental emergency, please call us at 1-855-433-6825.

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If you are communicating any private health information please use of our secure email service available at the link below. No special software is required or needed to use this service.

For persons with a hearing or speech disability, please dial 711 to be connected to Telecommunications Relay Services (TTY).

Feedback for Willamette Dental of Idaho, Inc.
To submit your comments and feedback regarding Willamette Dental of Idaho, Inc.’s matters of policy and operation, including grievance procedures, send your message to Idaho Feedback using the contact form above. This contact is for feedback purposes only.

our Administration Headquarters address:

6950 NE Campus Way
Hillsboro, OR 97124